Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Incredible Hulk

After downing conveyor belt sushi today (due to my recent attempts at being "healthier," I refused to go to a buffet since I no longer participate in "I-can-out-eat-you" challenges, but for the record, I lost, ten plates to six), we watched The Incredible Hulk. Entertaining, but forgettable.

One question. Why does NYC always get picked on? The poor city gets devastated year after year with tidal waves, gigantic gorillas, green monsters, extra terrestrial beings...

My favorite part was Iron Man's cameo, but I was also happy to see Ed Norton again - feels like it's been a while. Don't really follow comics... but are they all supposed to team up and save the world against some evil mutant alien force in a multi million dollar flick sometime next summer? Not sure how I feel about crossovers. Like when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers came together? Lame.

Speaking of movies, I do want to see Surfwise, though I doubt it'll make it's way to Korea anytime soon...

Still in a bubble. What non superhero action movies are out these days?


InMySeoul said...

I saw the movie "Taken" while I was in Korea in May. It is extremely intense and lots of action. The plot is about a girl who gets abducted for the blackmarket. I guess it has true implications but its disturbing to think about.

Daniel Lee Gray said...

You have to watch, Be Kind, Please Rewind. It will restore your faith in humanity...I mean in Mos Def.