Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Chubby cheeks in a week, the pictorial explanation


Janice said...

your food pics always make me hungry.

Daniel Lee Gray said...

Good lord! Awesome pictures! do you and your friends stay so skinny? Is there a vomitarium somewhere that you all go to?

Cheri said...

How my friends stay skinny, I don't know. How do YOU do it, Dan? On the otherhand, I would refer to myself as "pleasantly plump" or "more to love." *Somebody* (you know who you are, and I know that you're right) pointed to my face the other day and said, "Dak kalbi!" ^^;;

InMySeoul said...

Oh Man!! I want to spend a week on the Cheri Diet!! :)

I would give my right leg to taste all of that again! Jjim daek!!! ohh...I think Im lusting over food!