Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fun Engrish finds

Truth be told, it's a little disappointing going into your local Artbox, only to find that the greeting cards actually make sense these days. On a recent trip to Ahyeon's (아현) Wedding Street - more on that later! - Anna and I were thoroughly pleased to come across a sample wedding album that offered some good old fashioned Engrish amusement. ^^

A light in the dark shinning your love into my life.

Love slowly comessnow inquiring through frozen water through nightlike stars each flake steady reaching through.

Marriage doesn't pay a salary, but it dowe come with some terrific benefits. Take time to notice, again, the great smile your spouse has. (My favorite.)

ALL love is sweer, Given or returned.


InMySeoul said...

I like the "all love is sweer"

The first one seems to make sense to me....maybe Im not seeing it

Cheri said...

Double Ns. :)